Preferred Language

Group Training

at Learn and Speak Halle

Learn Your Desired Language in Groups

Our group courses take place once or twice a week in the evenings, making it an ideal and cost-effective way to start or, for advanced learners, to achieve medium-term language goals.

You will enroll with Learn and Speak Halle for the duration of a course. If you already have prior knowledge, we can assess your level through a placement test and place you in an ongoing group course, so you don't have to wait for a new course at your language level to start.

Participants with prior knowledge can participate in a free trial lesson. This gives you the opportunity to personally get an insight into the Learn and Speak method and find the course that suits you best.

The group size ranges from four to eight participants.

Ihre Ansprechpartner/innen

Your contact

Susanne Heine
Phone: +49 3 45/6 78 98 - 47


Reach out to us!

Contact us by phone at +49 345 67898 - 0, by email, or simply use our contact form.

We'd like to hear from you!
