Language Assessment

Have the language skills of your applicants and/or employees assessed with the language assessment provided by LaS Halle.

Our language assessment as a basis for decision-making

Would you like to quickly and easily check the foreign language skills of your applicants or your employees?

Our language school in Halle offers you the LaS Halle language assessment for this assessment - fast, competent, independent and of course with the LaS seal of quality.


Click here for our German language assessments.

Click here for our English language assessments.


Are you interested in a language assessment in another language? Contact us for an individual offer!

Your contact persons:

Phone: +49 3 45/6 78 98 - 0


We are happy to assist you!

Contact us - by phone at 0345 67898-0, via email, or simply use our contact form.

We look forward to hearing from you!
